Discover the formula for greater performance with Intelligence.
AVEVA Business Intelligence Gateway helps users to discover the key metrics for performance and understand the relationships between industrial plant facilities. It keeps your focus firmly planted on a strong commitment to operational excellence, utilising real-time, proactive responses to any issues that arise.
AVEVA Business Intelligence Gateway provides insight into the following areas:
AVEVA Business Intelligence Gateway is the place in which your data is empowered. When data is siloed, it’s still valuable. However, when you combine data sources into a centralised and innovative data set, the visualisation, transparency and collaboration enabled are second to none.
AVEVA Business Intelligence Gateway works by collating data from across both software and hardware, enabling the complicated wires of operational relationships to be connected and accessible. Data is moulded into interactive portions which can be used to determine performance against the objectives you’ve set yourself.
AVEVA BI Gateway allows operators to link the multiple plant and enterprise data sources you work with simultaneously. The key benefit here is that organisations can discover just how their separate industrial practices and operations are affecting each other and the industrial web as a whole.
These relationships are then modelled within the context provided by your KPIs, structuring data in the ways you want to see it. The results are calculated and displayed in real-time, combining speed with accessible analytics and monitoring capabilities.
AVEVA BI Gateway offers modelling capabilities, that without which leave your data unstructured and unreadable within the wider context of an entire industrial plant. This data would offer no actionable insights.
AVEVA BI Gateway offers the sole truth, created from multiple datasets which then provides accuracy for your ERP systems, enterprise business tools and data warehouses.
No one wants to find different parts of their workforce impeding on the work of the other. This could happen through many planning inconsistencies, but most of the time it’s because operational strategies aren’t aligned with key metrics.
Without this synergy, no one has the right access to the data they need. To guard against this, Intelligence creates an unmatched foundation for collaboration. Users benefit from an easy interface in terms of use. It’s simple to access and simple to understand, providing an equal playing field for operators.
A completely scalable server, Intelligence provides data-hosting capabilities from multiple sites or servers. The server carries out several different functions:
Data acquisition, aggregation and contextualisation.
Data organisation: From multiple sites to a centralised model.
Time-slicing: Correlate time-series gained from historians with events.
The server is the centre of the Intelligence solution, empowering users across the board.
Integrated with Tableau Software, Intelligence grants end-users the data they need quickly and efficiently. Tableau provides analytics and data visualisation to allow operators across every organisation level to access key data dashboards, benefiting from a top-down view of all their data.
The AVEVA BI Gateway is built around the interplay of two crucial elements: clients and servers.
Discover hidden operation context by collating data into a single, accessible data model-only through Intelligence.
AVEVA BI Gateway works in any industry, from power generation to food and beverage, supply chain to any other industrial plant operation. It’s truly a universal tool, capturing and collating data in multiple circumstances.
AVEVA BI Gateway provides visibility. With any business process, you never want to begin with your vision impaired. Intelligence helps you monitor the key functions such as energy consumption and productivity.
Cost, quality, productivity: Intelligence allows you to deduce the true numbers from these metrics and others. It brings together your disparate functions into one whole information entity.
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